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What is mobile taxi  advertising?

Taxicab advertising offers a fun way to try outdoor advertising. Here’s everything you need to know about taxis, advertising prices in New York City, Las Vegas, Costa Rica, and beyond, and what advertising modes are available.

A Quick Primer on Taxis

The concept of a taxi service dates back more than half a millennium, to when the horsepower was provided by actual horses. Eventually, the two-wheel Hansom cab gave way to cars in New York City that ferried people with charges based on distance. The first yellow cab debuted in NYC in the early 1900s. (Why yellow? The inventor undertook a university-level study to determine what color would draw people’s attention.)

Today, NYC taxi rates are cheaper than rideshares, and the cab remains a popular form of transportation. A third of people use taxis at least once a month, and another 61 percent use them at least once a year.

What Is Taxi Advertising?

Taxi advertising is an ad placed on top of, inside of, or wrapped around a taxicab. Rates are lower than for many other types of outdoor advertising, and you can reach a lot of people. Most ads target people who see the taxi, not those riding in it.

We recommend taxi advertising for clients who want to dominate a market. Taxi ads act as moving billboards, spreading your message across a city. They’re most effective when you buy space on a fleet rather than just a few cars, dominating a market with your message.

New York and Las Vegas have the greatest number of taxi riders — they take more than 27 million trips in Vegas alone each year, according to the city — but you can find opportunities in any major urban environment.  Currently we are launching these opportunities in tourism areas in Costa Rica. A range of ad categories work well, including:

Entertainment such as music and movies
Food and beverages

Taxi Trunk Ads

Advertising on taxi trunks appears on the trunk of the taxi and is static. It generally covers the whole trunk, stretching between the taillights. The visibility of the ad, especially to people sitting behind the taxi in traffic, makes them a popular option, as does their low price.

Taxi Cab Back Panel
Cost of Taxi Trunk Ads

Taxi trunk ads cost about $250 per car. It’s cheapest type of taxi advertising.  Now launching in Costa Rica !

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